Dienstag, Dezember 06, 2011


There are plenty of pretty faces to fixate on in the celeb-fest of a holiday movie New Year's Eve, but it was clear the Zefron and his baby blues claimed their magical hold on the masses at the film's star-studded L.A. premiere.
"It's a Zac attack. That's how I feel right now," declared Glee's Darren Criss in amazement amidst waves of the ear-splitting shriek-age of Zefron enthusiasts. "I'm a huge Zac Efron fan, he's the man."
"I cried a little bit, I'm not even gonna lie," divulged Abigail Breslin (in true fan girl fashion) of her first experience with Z. Despite sharing a credit in the film, the two hadn't actually met until the press junket earlier this week, a meeting she admits wasn't exactly her proudest moment. "I probably came off like a psychopath."
And what does Zac think of all the love? He still can't believe it.
"I keep thinking they're gonna get sick of me," said Efron. "You gotta cherish these moments."
Check out Zac and the gang when New Year's Eve drops into theaters December 9.

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