Quelle: collider.com
Mittwoch, Februar 29, 2012
Dienstag, Februar 28, 2012
Zac is in Brazil
Zac ist heute in Brasilien angekommen, um dort bei einer Store Eröffnung dabei zu sein. Sein Dad David ist mit dabei, aber leider auf keinem Bild zu sehen. Er hält sich bestimmt im Hintergrund.
Quelle: zacbrazil.com
Zac Efron and Taylor Schilling to Visit Australia for World Premiere of The Lucky One
Jetzt ist es bestätigt. Alle Zac Fand aus Australien, dürfen sich freuen. Dort wird es ebenfalls eine Premiere, für Zac's neuen Film 'The Lucky One' geben.
Der Kreischalarm ist schon zu hören.
Quelle: thereelbits.com
What Zac Will Look Like in 50+ Years
Okay... jetzt sind starke Nerven gefragt. Hier seht ihr unseren Hollywood Star Zac wie er älter und älter wird...
Quelle: teen.com
Sonntag, Februar 26, 2012
Arriving at the Spirit Awards
Hier sind zwei Bilder als Zac, gestern bei den Spirit Awards angekommen ist. Wem es aufgefallen ist, weiß dass er einen Ring trug, den hat er jetzt aber wieder abgelegt.
Quelle: Facebook.com
Film Independent Spirit Awards 2012
Zac war Gestern bei den Film Independent Spirit Awards in Los Angeles und lief über den Lila farbenen Carpet.
Quelle: Twitter.com
Samstag, Februar 25, 2012
Vanessa Hudgens erzählt eine Geschichte von Zac
Die High School Musical Schauspielerin Vanessa Hudgens erzählt eine Geschichte über die Besessenheit der Fans, die ihr Ex-Freund, Zac Efron erdulden musste. Vanessa verstand die Besessenheit über die Figuren die sie darstellten, aber es hatte sie auch oft verletzt.
Hudgens erklärte: "Die Mädchen waren so hinter Zac her, weil sie Jungendliche waren, und viel Energie hatten. Er hatte einige verrückte Vorfälle, wie zum Beispiel, wenn er Kratzspuren hatte, oder man ihm die Kleider zeriß. Sie waren von dem Charakter besessen, und ich dachte mir immer "Go ahead." Ich weiß wer er wirklich ist.
Vanessa Hudgens ist derzeit auf der großen Leinwand in dem Film "Journey 2" zu sehen.
Quelle: zacbrasil.com
Zac at Pairs Hiltons B-Day Party
Zac war am 16.02. bei der Geburtstagsparty von Pairs Hilton. Den Bildern nach zu urteilen, war wohl Maskenpflicht.
Quelle: Twitter.com
Zac Efron kommt nach Brasilien
Schauspieler Zac Efron, der weltweit bekannt für die High School Musical Filme ist, fliegt nach Brasilien. Der Hollywood-Star wurde angeheuert, um drei Geschäfte zu eröffnen - in Campinas, Ribeirao Preto und Sao Paulo.
Zac wird von seinem Vater, David begleitet.
Quelle: zacbrasil.com
Freitag, Februar 24, 2012
Und wieder gibt es ein neues Interview von Mr. Blue-Eyes. Zudem wird Zac morgen bei 10 On Top, bei MTV sein.
Quelle: foxallaccess.blogs.fox.com
Five Fun Facts About Zac Efron and The Lorax
1) He plays Truth or Dare:
One brave blogger asked him about his love life. Well she actually asked him about his first love, as a connection to his character’s infatuation with Audrey in the movie, which I think caught him off guard. She asked, “You play this boy exploring his first love. What was your moment, your first love?
“I remember all of them, sort of. I remember Truth or Dare, kiss-in-the-tree-fort days.
2) He’s romantic.
When asked, “Have you ever done anything for a girl in order to win her over such as, a big grand gesture?” His response:
“I think if I do anything, I’m musically oriented and stuff like that, so I like to write songs or something like that, something that comes from the heart. I like to paint and do stuff like that because then it’s personal.”
3) He loves his mom.
Somehow the conversation about romance steered towards his mom. I guess the subject of his mom was a little safer than the ground we were treading on.
“My mom really likes it when we write her. Honestly, I don’t care what you get my mom. She doesn’t care about the present. But, the card is huge to her and it’s so nice. So, we try and put all of our love into it and tell her how much we love her into a card, and that’s the only thing she ends up keeping. I mean, usually, everything else doesn’t matter.”
4) He wants to do more.
Many of our roundtable discussions with the cast and the film’s creators were about how this film raises awareness for environmental issues. Here is what Mr. Efron had to say about this subject.
“I always have this feeling in the back of my mind that I’m never doing enough, you know? And it’s true. It’s like you can never do enough. So, I was really searching for a way to get involved. What is the way I’m gonna jump in and how can I take charge and make a difference? And that was one of the best parts about this movie is I feel like, finally, I’m representing a cause. This is gonna plant those seeds out there. People are going to see this movie and maybe it’ll tip one or two people to become more green.”
5) He lets go.
Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax was Zac’s first animated film, so of course we had to ask him what he thought of the process.
“It was fun. I think the hardest part about it, and it’s just like anything else, is you’ve just got to let go. You’ve got to be free. And the first two days I did it, you’re self-conscious. There’s a camera in your face. You know you look like an idiot. You’re saying ridiculous lines and making big hand gestures. Someone’s going to see this footage.”
Quelle: sandiego.todaysmama.com
The Junket: Taylor Swift, Zac Efron and Betty White On Flirting and Grand Romantic Gestures
Es gibt ein neues Video von Zac wo er seinen neuen Film Der Lorax promotet.
Quelle: cambio.com
Donnerstag, Februar 23, 2012
Dienstag, Februar 21, 2012
Zac Efron & Taylor Swift Sing a Song for Ellen
Zac Efron und Taylor Swift zückenten ihre Gitarren, um für die Showmoderatorin ein Lied zu singen. Es war keine andere als Ellen DeGeneres!
Die Lorax- Schauspieler sprachen mit ihr über ihre nicht vorhandene Liebesbeziehung und was sie wirklich am Valentienstag gemacht haben.
Taylor, 22, sagte: "Wir sind kein Paar. Er ist fantastisch, wir sind kein Paar aber, man hört Leute die zusammen einen Film drehen, sind Co-Stars und verlieben sich. Aber nicht wenn man einen Animationsfilm macht. Du weißt, was ich sage. Oh mein Gott, als wir die Aufnahmen für den Film gemacht haben und in verschiedenen Räumen waren, fühlten wir uns wirklich verbunden. "
Und nachdem Taylor erzählte wie sie Valentienstag verbracht hatte, sagte Zac, 24, "Das ist so anders, was single Jungs so tun. Ich ging zu einem Screening von einem Film, in dem ich mit mache, Liberal Arts. Dann kochte ich etwas zu essen. '
Quelle: Twitter.com
Übersetzung: Zac-D-A-Efron-News
Original Text: JustJaredJr.com
That looks painful!
He used to have a clean cut image as one of the stars of Disney hit High School Musical.
But it seems like Zac Efron wants to be a bad boy instead, after getting a third tattoo in the space of a year in Studio City, Los Angeles earlier this month.
He was getting some fresh ink on the inside of his right bicep, close to the double feather image he had etched last year.
Tat's the way to do it: Zac Efron tried to me ignore the pain as he posed while having his tattoo etched earlier this month in Studio City
He also showed how close he is to daytime chatshow queen Ellen DeGeneres by wearing a pair of her underwear, with its band peeking out above his jeans.
Zac, 24, also tried to put on a brave face, giving a cool surfers salute to the camera as he had his picture taken.
It is unclear exactly what he was having inscribed, though many will be wondering whether it is a tribute to his latest squeeze Lily Collins.
Under wraps: Zac was keeping his new tattoo covered by his leather jacket at yesterday's premiere of The Lorax
He was spotted getting all lovey-dovey with Phil Collins daughter at the exclusive Soho Club in West Hollywood as they enjoyed a romantic Valentine's Day together.
And he just happened to visit the parlour just days before their romantic rendezvous.
Hunk Zac, 24, was not showing off his latest tattoo as they dined together however, wearing a smart blue shirt.
Quelle: dailymail.co.uk
Montag, Februar 20, 2012
The Lorax L.A. Premiere
Gestern war in Los Angeles die Welt Premiere von The Lorax. Bruder Dylan war mit von der Partie. Hier sind jetzt ein paar Bilder und Videos dazu.
Quelle: Twitter.com/YouTube.com/x17online.com
Sonntag, Februar 19, 2012
Samstag, Februar 18, 2012
Freitag, Februar 17, 2012
Zac schließt sich sozialen Netzwerken an
Unser Hoolywood-Hottie hat den Schritt gewagt und sich sozialen Netzwerken angeschlossen.
Ab sofort könnt ihr Zac bei Twitter.com und Facebook.com folgen und liken. Bei Whosay.com könnt ihr euch seine geposteten Bilder anschauen. Leider hat er bisher noch keine Bilder gepostet, aber der Mann ist ja auch viel beschäftigt.
Our Hoolywood hottie has made the step to be connected on social Networks.
From now on you can add Zac at Twitter.com and Facebook.com. On Whosay.com can you watch his posted images. Unfortunately he has not posted any pictures yet, but the man is too busy.
Donnerstag, Februar 16, 2012
Mittwoch, Februar 15, 2012
Leaving Soho House with Lily Collins
Zac war gestern mit Lilly Collins im Soho House und sie wurden gesichtet als sie es zusammen verlassen haben.
Noch wurde nichts bestätigt, das Zac und Lilly sich daten, doch Mr. Efron trägt einen Ring! Ein Zeichen für die neue Liebe?
Quelle: eyeprime.com
Dienstag, Februar 14, 2012
Sonntag, Februar 12, 2012
At Gil Terner’s Liquor Store in West Hollywood
Mr. Good-Looking war am 10.02. in einem Schnapsladen in West Hollywood.
"Sie sind auf jeden Fall zusammen!" Erzählt ein Zeuge Us Weekly.
Quelle: JustJared.com
Samstag, Februar 11, 2012
Freitag, Februar 10, 2012
Donnerstag, Februar 09, 2012
NEA’s Read Across America Day
Zac and the rest of The Lorax cast including Taylor Swift, Betty White, Danny DeVito and Ed Helms are this year’s honorary co-chairs of NEA’s Read Across America Day! The group have produced two PSA’s for the cause to encourage people – young and old – “to read across America with Dr. Seuss and the NEA”!
Zac will also be a celebrity guest reader at an NEA Reading Event at the New York Public Library on March 2! Check out the PSA’s above and below and check back on March 2nd for coverage of the New York reading event!
Quelle: zace.zaangels.com
Zac Efron Mystified By His New Movie, ‘The Paperboy’
The always charming EFRON sat down with entertainment reporters a couple of days ago and freely admitted that he doesn’t know how THE PAPERBOY has turned out but he was impressed with co-stars MATTHEW McCONAUGHEY, NICOLE KIDMAN and JOHN CUSACK. (CLICK ON THE MEDIA BAR FOR AUDIO)
THE LORAX opens in theaters 3/2
Quelle: hollywoodoutbreak.com
Click on the Source Link to hear the Audio!
Millions will join NEA's Read Across America Day celebration on March 2
Zac Efron, Taylor Swift and cast of Dr. Seuss' The Lorax to co-chair Read Across
WASHINGTON - February 08, 2012 - From the Truffula Trees to the Once-ler and the hoots of the Bar-ba-Loots, Dr. Seuss and the Lorax will lead the nation’s largest reading event in 2012. The 15th annual NEA’s Read Across America Day—the nationwide program that helps children discover the joy of reading—is expected to draw more than 45 million participants on Friday, March 2.
This year the book “The Lorax” by Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, will take center stage with its message of the importance of preserving the environment. Global superstars Zac Efron, Taylor Swift, Betty White, Danny DeVito and Ed Helms lend their vocal talents to Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax from Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment and are all co-chairs of this year’s Read Across America, a first for the NEA program. Zac Efron will also serve as a celebrity guest reader at a national reading event at the New York Public Library on NEA’s Read Across America Day, March 2. The actors also recorded Read Across America PSAs encouraging people to pick up a book and read to a child. (Visit www.nea.org/readacross to view the PSAs)
“Every year on NEA’s Read Across America Day, the imaginations of children across the country are ignited when they open up a good book,” said NEA President Dennis Van Roekel. “‘The Lorax’ is not only entertaining to read, but it also highlights the importance of protecting our air, land and water. Our students deserve to grow and learn in a safe, healthy environment.”
The 3D-CG feature Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax, an adaptation of the classic tale of a forest creature who shares the enduring power of hope, comes from the creators of Despicable Me and the imagination of Dr. Seuss. The animated adventure follows the journey of a 12-year-old as he searches for the one thing that will enable him to win the affection of the girl of his dreams. To find it, he must discover the story of the Lorax, the grumpy yet charming creature who fights to protect his world. Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax film is the third feature created by Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment. The movie opens nationwide on Friday, March 2 – Dr. Seuss’ birthday.
“We are thrilled to be partnering once again with NEA on Read Across America and couldn’t be happier that ‘The Lorax’ is being featured this year,” said Susan Brandt, Dr. Seuss Enterprises President. “Not only are we emphasizing the importance of reading, but also teaching children the importance of caring for the environment.”
The book “The Lorax,” was first published in 1971 and foretold the desolation and emptiness created when nature is consumed without regard for its preservation or restoration. Many say the book was ahead of its time. Readings of “The Lorax” book and its environmental messages will be prominent in this year’s Read Across America celebrations happening in schools and libraries around the nation.
NEA will also rev up its engines for the first ever “NEA’s Lorax Reading Tour – Driven by Mazda”– a cross-country tour to visit public schools, Mazda dealerships, and other stops to bring the gift of reading to thousands of public school students. The tour will visit more than 15 cities across the country and will also highlight some student-led school and community based environmental projects. For each test drive of a Mazda vehicle between February 20 through April 2, 2012, Mazda will donate $25, up to $1 million in total, to benefit public school libraries in need across the United States.
NEA’s Read Across America is co-sponsored by Dr. Seuss Enterprises (“Cat in the Hat” is the Read Across America Day mascot) and 50 national partners, including the American Library Association, PTA, NFL Players Association, RIF, Screen Actors Guild Foundation, Random House Children’s Books, Reading Rockets, United Through Reading, Heart of America Foundation, First Books, and Youth Service America. Every March 2, Dr. Seuss’ birthday, NEA members nationwide host school and community events designed to pay homage to the beloved children’s book author and to get the nation’s young people excited about reading.
Since 1997, NEA’s Read Across America has attracted some of the biggest names in politics, entertainment and sports to help children discover the joy of reading. In addition to First Lady Michelle Obama, past celebrity participants have included Jessica Alba, Green Bay Packers wide receiver Donald Driver, Mehcad Brooks, Carrie Underwood, Gwyneth Paltrow, Alex Rodriguez, Serena Williams, Selena Gomez, Shaquille O’Neal and many others.
“This national celebration is not just about one hour or one day of reading, it is about cultivating a lifetime of good reading habits that will translate into academic success,” said Van Roekel. “NEA’s Read Across America brings students, parents, educators and the entire community together to share the joy of reading.”
Quelle: nea.org
Hollywood Valentines: Most Wanted Celebrity Valentine's Day Dates
He may be a Hollywood heartthrob, but don't think the 24-year-old hottie is a ladies' man. "Believe me, I rack my brain thinking, 'Why am I not out there playing the field?'" Efronsaid after splitting from longtime loveVanessa Hudgens in late 2010. "But it's not in my heart."
Quelle: people.com
Quelle: people.com
Mittwoch, Februar 08, 2012
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